Press Release: What is the Economic Impact of COVID-19?

Mar 24, 2020 | Press Releases

What is the Economic Impact of COVID-19?

Fayetteville, NC (March 24, 2020)—A new survey has launched to measure the economic impact of COVID-19 on Cumberland County’s business community. Created by the City of Fayetteville, Cumberland County, Fayetteville Cumberland Economic Development Corporation (FCEDC), Cumberland Community Foundation, Center for Economic Empowerment and Development (CEED), The Cool Spring Downtown District, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Convention and Visitors Bureau, the economic impact survey will inform recovery efforts and aid for a variety of business sectors.

“We urge all entrepreneurs and industry leaders to take the survey. The results will be critical to maximize local, state and federal recovery resources and help put our community back to work as quickly as possible,” said Robert Van Geons, President and CEO of the Fayetteville Cumberland County Economic Development Corporation.

The 21 – question survey will take an estimated five minutes to complete. Businesses in Cumberland County are encouraged to participate. SURVEY IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE

“We have incredible and unique businesses in downtown Fayetteville. We want to make sure we understand the impact COVID19 has on their business models, anticipating that more uncertainty lies ahead, and find ways to respond to their needs,” said Bianca Shoneman, President and CEO of the Cool Spring Downtown District.

Community and Economic Development Director Cynthia Blot stated that “this is a data-gathering survey so that we can truly know how this virus pandemic is affecting local businesses. We intend to use the aggregated data to guide relief opportunities. The survey is anonymous, but it does have an option to provide contact information so that we will be able to make connections.”

Questions on the survey include business location, industry, number of employees, and how COVID-19 is affecting business operations, in addition to questions regarding business adaptations and chamber membership.

The planning team acknowledges that we are in uncharted territory. Like you, we are navigating through the new guidelines and taking action to protect against new COVID-19 issues arising. To be most effective, we need to hear from our business leaders. SURVEY IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE

ABOUT FCEDC: The Fayetteville Cumberland County Economic Development Corporation (FCEDC) is a public-private partnership dedicated to facilitating business projects, increasing employment, supporting existing industry, and preparing sites for expedited development in Fayetteville and Cumberland County, NC. Learn more at

Natalie Johnson
Director, Marketing