Make it in North Carolina: October 2021

Nov 15, 2021 | In The News

By Shelly Jo Jacobs
Southern Business & Development
October 2021

If you are looking for a sense of community and a place to belong, North Carolina is chock full of areas offering it, each with its unique twist. Fayetteville/Cumberland County is one such place. With over 57,000 military personnel from Fort Bragg and as home to the first responder units who are deployed in all sorts of emergencies, both domestic and abroad, it is no surprise that there is a strong sense of service to others…This team-oriented mindset is pervasive not only in the military residents, but throughout their diverse population…a diversity that may be surprising to some. Robert Van Geons, president and CEO of the Fayetteville-Cumberland County Economic Development Corporation, summed it up well by saying, “There are 85 languages from 86 countries spoken in our schools.”

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