Campbell Soup and DHL Supply Chain Select Fayetteville For Distribution Center, Creating 140 Full-Time Jobs
Campbell Soup Supply Company, LLC in partnership with DHL Supply Chain have announced that they have selected the Cedar Creek Business Center in Fayetteville for a new, state-of-the-art distribution center. Together, the companies plan to invest more than $40 million in the project. This will result in the creation of 140 full-time jobs in Cumberland County.
In a press release today, Governor Roy Cooper and N.C. Commerce Secretary Anthony M. Copeland congratulated the community on its competitive assets that attracted the companies to the area. Governor Cooper said, “DHL Supply Chain and Campbell chose Cumberland County for its skilled workforce, proximity to major transportation hubs, and favorable business climate. I’m proud to welcome them to North Carolina.”
DHL Supply Chain is partnering with Campbell to develop a distribution network of four centers across the country. Construction of the 627,000-square-foot distribution site will begin in early 2018 at the Cedar Creek Business Center. The facility will also have the ability to expand by 50 percent in the future. In addition to 140 full-time jobs, DHL and Campbell’s expect to create 55 part-time jobs. Salaries for the new employees will vary by position. Once all positions are filled, the annual payroll impact will total $4.515 million.
“Enhancing our distribution capabilities is the most effective and efficient way to meet dynamic customer and consumer needs today and in the future,” according to Robert Furbee, senior vice president, Global Supply Chain, Campbell Soup Company. “The combination of partnering with an expert like DHL Supply Chain and Fayetteville’s proximity to major rail and truck transportation hubs helps us quickly advance that strategy.”
DHL Supply Chain is the world’s leading contract logistics provider and has global expertise when it comes to premier distribution networks including warehouse management technology and site management. “North Carolina’s Cumberland County is the ideal place to expand our partnership with Campbell Soup Company through a new distribution center,” said Franklin Littleton, President of DHL Supply Chain’s Consumer Sector. “We’ve been fortunate to work with Campbell’s since 2013, and see this as the next step on our collaborative journey to improve the company’s supply chain bandwidth and deliver real food that matters for life’s moments.”
City and County leadership expressed their enthusiasm for the project. Fayetteville Mayor Mitch Colvin said, “Economic Development and job creation are top priorities for our City Council. Fayetteville is open for business, and we look forward to welcoming these companies. This is a wonderful way to close 2017, and we look forward to even more success in the days ahead.”
Locally, the City of Fayetteville and Cumberland County have worked together to attract these companies, with each approving local incentives. In addition, the County agreed to accept a discounted sales price for the site. “We are proud to have these two great companies investing in Cumberland County and our Cedar Creek Business Park,” said County Commission Chairman Larry Lancaster. “These jobs will provide needed opportunities for our citizens and serve as an example that our local economy is continuing to gain strength. We are grateful to all the partners that played a role in making this project possible.”
The project would not have been possible without direct support from the State of North Carolina, the N.C. Department of Commerce, the N.C. Department of Transportation, and the N.C. Community College System who have approved grants to support job creation, infrastructure extensions, transportation improvements, and customized worker training respectively. Recruitment efforts were led by the Economic Development Partnership of N.C. (EDPNC) and supported by the N.C. Southeast Regional Economic Development Partnership (NCSE) and Fayetteville Technical Community College (FTCC).
Fayetteville Cumberland County Economic Development Corporation (FCEDC) Chairman Jack Rostetter said, “On behalf of our Board and staff, we are grateful for the support and trust the City of Fayetteville and Cumberland County have put in our organization, as well as the resources provided for economic development. The Mayor, the Chairman, their predecessors, and the senior staff all worked to make this announcement possible. Together, we are moving our community forward.”