Robert Van Geons featured in Business North Carolina
Robert Van Geons and the FCEDC were featured in April’s edition of Business North Carolina, talking more about Fayetteville and Cumberland County.
Rob Patton Visits South Korea for InterBattery Show
Executive Vice President Rob Patton visits Seoul, South Korea for the InterBattery Show, March 6-8.
Antonella’s Wins La Fayette Cognac Competition
Antonella’s won the La Fayette Cognac People’s Choice Cocktail Competition with their creative concoction, Chocolate Berry Infusion.
FCEDC Sponsors and Attends Spring SIOR Carolinas Conference
The FCEDC was a Gold Sponsor at SIOR’s 2024 Spring Carolina Conference, held in Greenville, SC on February 22nd and 23rd.
One-Stop Early Voting begins February 15th!
Eight locations are open for early voting for the March 5, 2024 NC Primary Election.
Booz Allen and FCEDC chat with Greater Fayetteville Business Journal
Annette Redman, Fayetteville’s executive vice president at Booz Allen, and Robert Van Geons of FCEDC speak with GFBJ’s Faith Hatton.
Booz Allen Announces New Joint Tech Acceleration Facility
Booz Allen announces new Joint Tech Acceleration Facility, expanding the engineering ecosystem in Fayetteville and Fort Liberty
Good Morning Fayetteville – Jan 2, 2024
Robert Van Geons joined Murphy as his first guest of the year on Good Morning Fayetteville to discuss economic development.
2023 Year in Review
The FCEDC is grateful for the opportunity to serve our community. Here are a few things that have happened in 2023.
D-BAT Coming to Fayetteville
Veteran-owned D-BAT Indoor Baseball and Softball Academies is is coming to 3725 Ramsey Street
FCEDC’s President and CEO Honored with Innovation of the Year Award
FCEDC’s President and CEO, Robert Van Geons, is honored with the inaugural NCEDA Innovation of the Year Award.
ChenMed Chooses Fayetteville, NC, for New Medical Center
The primary care medical center, geared toward serving seniors, plans to invest $1.2 million in the Cape Fear Region.
Fayetteville-Cumberland County Awarded $4M in Federal Funding to Build HR Talent Portal
Facility would be a recruitment and training center for companies seeking transitioning servicemembers, military spouses, and veterans.
Kim Hasty Joins FCEDC Team as Communications Director
FCEDC is pleased to announce that longtime journalist Kim Hasty has been named Director of Communications. She looks forward to telling the unique and authentic stories of our community.
Metronet Launches Gigabit Internet Service in Cumberland County
$70 million investment brings ultra-high-speed internet to Fayetteville and surrounding areas.
National IT Consulting and Staffing Firm, Fortuna BMC, Expands to Cumberland County, Creating 50 Remote Call Center Jobs
California-based IT and business management consulting company, Fortuna BMC, Inc., expands to Cumberland County. Hiring is under way for 50 remote call center employees.
Fayetteville Welcomes New Data Mining Operation, First of Its Kind for Cumberland County
California-based data mining company Plan C Crypto will open a Regional Headquarters facility in Fayetteville and is expecting to commence operations later in 2022.
Amazon Creating More Than 500 Jobs at a New Distribution Operation in Cumberland County
Amazon is building a 1.3 million-square-foot fulfillment facility in the Military Business Park and will create more than 500 full-time jobs and hundreds of part-time opportunities.
Golden LEAF Awards $965,830 for Economic Development Infrastructure Project at Fayetteville Regional Airport
FCEDC, the City, and PWC will use these funds to replace a sewer lift station, construct a force main, and conduct due diligence activities for 172.13 AC of developable property…
FCEDC Receives Award for Economic Development Organization of the Year
FCEDC won a Bronze Rank for Economic Development Organization (EDO) of the Year in IEDC’s 2021 Excellence in Economic Development Awards.
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La Fayette Cognac Contest
Vote for your favorite cocktail made with La Fayette Cognac in our People’s Choice competition, running from December 1 – January 31.
Fayetteville is a Certified Gigabit City Powered by Metronet
Metronet has recognized Fayetteville as the first NC city to be named a Certified Gigabit City powered by Metronet.
STARward STEM Experiments Launch into Space on Nov 9th
Three winning experiments from the STARward STEM Design Challenge are heading to the International Space System.
FCEDC Updates Website and Email Domains
The website and email domains for Fayetteville Cumberland County Economic Development Corporation (FCEDC) have changed to
FCEDC Celebrates Manufacturing Day on October 6
Manufacturing Day, celebrated the first Friday in October, celebrates manufacturing as one of the primary economic drivers.
Employment Opportunities in Cumberland County: July 2023
Looking for a job or a new career? These excellent Fayetteville and Cumberland County companies are hiring now!
Employment Opportunities in Cumberland County: June 2023
Looking for a job or a new career? These excellent Fayetteville and Cumberland County companies are hiring now!
Employment Opportunities in Cumberland County: May 2023
Looking for a job or a new career? These excellent Fayetteville and Cumberland County companies are hiring now!
Employment Opportunities in Cumberland County: April 2023
Looking for a job or a new career? These excellent Fayetteville and Cumberland County companies are hiring now!
Employment Opportunities in Cumberland County: March 2023
Looking for a job or a new career? These excellent Fayetteville and Cumberland County companies are hiring now!
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