Amazon Creating More Than 500 Jobs at a New Distribution Operation in Cumberland County
Amazon is building a 1.3 million-square-foot fulfillment facility in the Military Business Park and will create more than 500 full-time jobs and hundreds of part-time opportunities.
Employment Opportunities in Cumberland County: January 2022
If you or someone you know is looking for a new career, these Fayetteville and Cumberland County companies are hiring.
Golden LEAF Awards $965,830 for Economic Development Infrastructure Project at Fayetteville Regional Airport
FCEDC, the City, and PWC will use these funds to replace a sewer lift station, construct a force main, and conduct due diligence activities for 172.13 AC of developable property…
Employment Opportunities in Cumberland County: December 2021
If you or someone you know is looking for a new career, these Fayetteville and Cumberland County companies are hiring.
FCEDC Visiting Washington DC and Meeting with Federal Agencies in December
FCEDC’s President and CEO, Robert Van Geons, is joining a small group of economic developers on a visit to Washington DC for meetings with federal staffers, December 7-9.
FCEDC to Attend Area Development’s Tampa Consultants Forum in December
The program will provide the opportunity to hear from leading site consultants and industry experts who focused on the trends influencing corporate location and economic development strategy.
Make it in North Carolina: October 2021
If you are looking for a sense of community and a place to belong, North Carolina is chock full of areas offering it, each with its unique twist. Fayetteville/Cumberland County is one such place.
Employment Opportunities in Cumberland County: November 2021
If you or someone you know is looking for a new career, these Fayetteville and Cumberland County companies are hiring.
Business NC Community Close-Up: Cumberland County
Business NC highlights Cumberland County as a community that “gets it done” thanks to the business climate, military presence, educational opportunities, and tourism attractions.
Employment Opportunities in Cumberland County: October 2021
If you or someone you know is looking for a new career, these Fayetteville and Cumberland County companies are hiring.
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Quality of Life
There are many reasons to bring your business to Fayetteville and Cumberland County, NC. One reason is the great quality of life our area has to offer.
Innovative Manufacturing Advantages
Fayetteville and Cumberland County, North Carolina’s young, highly educated workforce has the knowledge and skills to meet the challenges of today’s advanced manufacturing operations.
Business in Fayetteville, NC
Fayetteville and Cumberland County’s assets and resources make us an ideal match for companies in critical defense, innovative manufacturing, food processing, logistics, and services.
Economic Advantages
Cumberland County is home to Fort Bragg, the largest military installation in the continental U.S. With the base, comes a population of soldiers, families, and civilian support. $45 Billion is brought to the regions per year by the Army installation.
Workforce Advantages
The unique workforce in Cumberland County and the surrounding areas is one that serves business development perfectly.
Fayetteville NC Leads State Job Growth
Fayetteville is one of just 54 metropolitan areas in the United States to have its employment level higher than it was before the recession began in 2007.
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